The time spent learning how to play music during lessons is an integral part of building upon your musical abilities. Setting some time aside to practice your instrument at home helps you to take full advantage of everything learned during your music lessons.

Practice Makes Perfect

The phrase “practice makes perfect” may be a bit overused, but that doesn’t make it any less true. The more you practice your instrument, the quicker you move along the path toward becoming the accomplished musician you are striving to be. There is no need to overwhelm yourself when you begin practicing a new instrument. Starting by practicing 20 minutes 3-4 days a week, and then you can work up to extended periods of time as you progress.

young girl practicing violin in her living room

When Work Becomes Play

One of the most beautiful things about learning a new instrument is that as you continue to practice and improve, practicing eventually becomes something to look forward to and enjoy. Once you reach this point, you can practice for hours and it may seem like only minutes have passed. At Jimmy Osborne Music, our music teachers can work with you to help develop a practicing plan, catering to your goals and your schedule.

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